Monday, May 19, 2008

Speed Racer!!

Mr.S will be the first to admit that he was never a full-tilt gung-ho must-see watcher of the Speed Racer cartoons. However, he saw enough of them to be a little geeked about the movie. Mr. and Mrs.S made their way to the IMAX last night, and what a ride it was...

Keep in mind that this movie was made by the brothers that gave us the Matrix, so the action is fast, faster, and fastest. And on the five story IMAX screen, that's a lot of fast. We liked the casting especially - some great actors doing their thing. And it walked the line well between action movie and campy animation.

The visuals are stunning, in all respects. Lots of color, lots of goodies to look at, and great integration between live actors and the environment around them. The score by Michael Giacchino (he of The Incredibles fame) is lovely (Mr.S will be picking up a copy in the near future), and overall the total package of music and movie is great.

Language? A few A-bombs dropped, one S-bomb, but nothing else. Intensity? Huge. Immense. Ridiculously big. If you saw it on the "small screen" and don't agree, go see it in IMAX. If your head is still attached, that'll take it off.

Ezzie? Race up to the finish line and take us out...

Ezzie gives this one three spinning tails, one of which is festively adorned with a checkered flag.

So, dear reader - make like Speed Racer, and GO!!!!!

1 comment:

topher1kenobe said...

I agree. My youngest sat on the edge of her seat and cheered for Speed in every race. It was a wild ride.