Monday, April 21, 2008

Superhero Movie

This puppy rots. It smelleth. It stinketh.

I like Leslie Nielsen. And have laughed at many of his film appearances. Not so with "Superhero Movie." Mrs.Simpleton and I went, we watched, and we left, wishing we had skipped the went and watched part of this sentence. No clever humor, no witty lines - just the gross kind of jokes and visuals you expect in a frat house on "really stupid comedy night." This one isn't even one of those that you laugh at as a guilty pleasure - unless you live for predictable, gross humor. If so, have at it. Otherwise, Ezzie, if you'd be so kind...

Ezzie drops three steamy piles on this one, and shakes her paws to get off the dirt. Yuckers.


topher1kenobe said...

I seems like Leslie used to be more in control of the movies he was in, and he got to make them funny his way. His way doesn't appeal to the current "frat house" fad, so he doesn't get to be in them, unless he does it their way. That's sad to me.

Mr.Simpleton said...

I totally agree. A great and very funny actor, wasted on gross humor. Time to get out my copy of Airplane or one of The Naked Gun series, and revile in the glory days...